
Columns, features, interviews, book reviews

Christina writes mostly for The Sunday Times, The Guardian and The Daily Mail. She was at The Independent for 10 years, where she wrote a column twice a week and did “The Christina Patterson interview”. She has also written for The Observer, Time, The Spectator, New Statesman, the TLS, Literary Review, High Life, Intelligent Life and HuffPost. She writes a Substack newsletter called The Art of Work about how we find fulfilment as we pay the bills. It's free to subscribe.



Society, politics, life

A fiercely independent thinker, Christina writes in a clear, distinctive voice.



Writers, artists, actors, politicians

You have to start by building up a rapport. And you have to do your research, of course.


Arts & Books

Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, the arts

Christina is a regular reviewer of fiction and non-fiction for The Sunday Times.



All of life is here

Famous people are all very well. Famous people are sometimes even interesting.



Nursing and the NHS

When she was recovering from a big operation, Christina made a vow.



North, south, east, west

Christina has written about eating cakes in Vienna, but also the beauty of Syria and Iran.


Party time in pandemic Britain!

A Martian would also be interested to see that the government is currently planning to “relax” restrictions as soon as the “most vulnerable” have had their first jab, which will enable everyone else to be a giant petri-dish for the new variants. Kent sparkling, South African chilled or Brazilian Caipirinha? It’s party time!


Coronavirus blues

This must be what war is like, when the world suddenly flips into something so alien that your mind does somersaults all the time, trying to catch up. At night, you sleep and wake and sleep again, and every time you wake you think this can’t be happening in this country, this can’t be true. And then you wake, as daylight finally streams through the curtains, and you switch on the news and you realise, with yet another punch to your stomach, that it is.


Floods, pestilence – and the new lexicon of power

We haven’t got locusts. I suppose we should be grateful that we haven’t got locusts, or at least that we haven’t got them yet. But we have got pestilence, in the shape of what may soon be a global pandemic, and we have got floods. And we have Boris Johnson as our Prime Minister. Thousands […]