Society, politics, life
During her years as a columnist at The Independent, Christina established a reputation for treading where others fear to tread. In a column about “the limits of multiculturalism”, for example, she argued that it was important to be clear about the things a multicultural society could accommodate, and the things it couldn’t. The column went viral, and Christina was invited to speak about multiculturalism on TV and radio and at events around the country.
In columns about nursing, she has broken the taboo that all nurses are “angels”, and has had hundreds of emails and letters from readers thanking her for saying the things they haven’t felt able to say.
In columns about immigration, she has said what many left-leaning liberal journalists often don’t say: that the white working classes in this country have good reason to feel fed up. She has also written about the casual racism - the “prejudice and pursuit of cool” – that still runs through almost every aspect of British society, from the bottom to the top.
In The Guardian, she has written about topics ranging from cancer to poetry, the joys of middle-class drinking and the ethics of banking. Her column about the importance of the arts in education, has had more than 85,000 shares on social media.
Her readers range from bankers and businessmen to poets, writers, policy makers and politicians. She has been invited by politicians across the party political spectrum to talk about issues arising from her columns. A fiercely independent thinker, she writes in a clear, distinctive voice.
Latest Columns
Like Kirsty Young, I wish I’d not been such a good girl
Let's have a midlife Love Island and celebrate our cellulite
To really stop obesity, stop snacking and eat at the dining table
When the political becomes personal: a domestic row over Covid-19
I regret not learning my mum's first language. Britain needs those ties.
Why so few women in the board room? Because men won't listen to them.
So Revolut, I’m a single woman. How does that make me a sad, lonely loser?
We are the eggs being broken for this rotten Brexit omelette
At 70, Prince Charles has waited long enough. The Queen should step aside
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Will we fall apart when the robots take our jobs?
Divorce rates might be down, but too many children still never see their fathers
Stress does not cause cancer. But when I’m unhappy, I get ill
Tessa Jowell is right about cancer treatment: Britain must do better
I dreaded burying my mother. But it taught me about loss
I’m not saying Trump’s election killed my mother. It just feels as if it did
They're patient, complex and poetic – so stop calling them snowflakes
Bravo, Kiri – you left on the right note
We'd all benefit from encouraging children to go outside and take risks
Princess Diana had a good heart, but spare us this cult of empathy
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Porn warps culture. I hope credit-card checks nudge adults out of the habit
Men: forget younger women, and face up to the fact that sperm goes off too
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Science classes won't future-proof our children. But dance might
Art has the power to make us feel less alone
Targets matter – because a day with cancer worries feels like a year
Forget Westminster for social democracy. Head for Ikea
The Tate Modern building is great, but don’t assume the art inside is
Memorising poetry is an art of the heart
Is it really the BBC's role to publish free recipes for harissa spiced lamb?
School for standups: let’s teach chidren the art of playing the fool
We hear a lot about compassion for the elderly. Isn’t it time we showed some?
Our teenagers need social skills, not social networks
Anita Brookner’s subversive message – the courage of the single life deserves respect
It's not brain surgery - why can't doctors just communicate better?
The best prescription for mental health? Sometimes it's just a job
Women have more empathy, but do even we care any more?
Why we all need the Beckhams' fairytale to go on and on
What’s wrong with a pedalo ride if it makes you well?
Middle-class drinking? It’s one of my favourite things
Mindfulness for mental health? Don’t hold your breath
How do you create an ethical banker? Not by hugging them
Wanted: people who can smell a rat
The secret to an effective NHS workforce: fun
I've found a little bit of heaven for those who've been in hell
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Mandy Rice-Davies called the Profumo affair 'a pimple'. Now that's resilience
Thank You for the Moment is a painful read – and not just for Hollande
Helen Mirren shows women can age beautifully, but we shouldn't have to
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To teach children about music is to teach them about joy
The Good News Bible taught me the power of words, but also stole my youth
Nurses need to be fitter, to fight for the future of the NHS
The double life of the writer with a family
Barack Obama can't save Ed Miliband
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Alan Johnson offers a glimpse of what politicians could be
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Now it's the middle class's turn to feel the employment earthquake
Press record. Is that what we do now when someone dies?
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Both left and right are failing young people on jobs
Would you want your mum's care workers to be treated like criminals?
The bedroom tax is a bad idea - but welfare reform is necessary
Bad habits and bad food are killing us
Theresa May: she's a diabetes sufferer, not a plotter in kitten heels
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Yes, page 3 is bad for women, but so are the photos in OK magazine
As the Francis report highlights Mid Staffs failings, we should name and shame cruel NHS staff
In Barack Obama’s America, reason and hope prevail
If the pension pot is empty, we have to let older people work
It might be fiction, but Britain’s leaders should tune in and learn from Borgen
We’re obese for the same reason we’re in debt – we prefer to forget the future
Even non-believers can find the wisdom in silence
Bob Crow should be fighting for all his workers, not just his union fat cats
The internet can’t keep our secrets and neither can the government
League tables are a necessary part of public service
For these multinationals, immorality is now standard practice
How can we cure cancer when it’s lifestyle that’s to blame?
What one axed story tells us about the truth and power of journalism
Pro-choice – but not so pro-debate, it seems
If Hanna Rosin really thinks this is the end of men, she can’t have looked very hard at the evidence
Not quite the justice you might be thinking, your majesty
It will take a lot more effort than this to make work pay
For God’s sake, let them wear their crosses
What’s trying to please a man got to do with feminism?
The joy of the human body unshackled
We transformed sport. Let’s do the same for young lives
Sometimes, the price of success is just too high
The Olympics could prove to be £9bn well spent
Women may be brighter, but what we need is balls
Don’t worry, Bob, you’ll be fine for the caravan and the custard creams